Posted on 10/31/2012 7:27:10 AM PDT by SeekAndFind
President Barack Obama has seen a once-steady lead in Michigan decline to just 2 points in a recent poll, and Michigan has been thrown into "toss-up" status in the election's final week.
The poll, from The Detroit News, finds Obama leading Republican rival Mitt Romney, 47.7 percent to 45 percent. That's the second poll in a week that has shown an increasingly tight race in the state, including a Foster McCollum White Baydoun poll that showed the race virtually tied. And it comes as a pro-Romney super PAC, American Crossroads, includes Michigan in its $50 million, final-week ad buy.
Intriguingly, when comparing the Michigan poll to a new poll of Ohio released today, it shows that the race in Michigan is actually closer.
The key points in the new poll:
* What's pushing Romney to a virtual statistical tie in the state is his clear advantage on trust in handling the economy. He leads the president, 47-44, on the crucial issue, even in a state dominated by the auto industry.
* Compared with September, men have shifted 5 points more toward Romney.
* What's keeping Obama afloat: His advantage in connecting with voters who think he "understands their values." Forty-eight percent identified with Obama on that question, compared with just 43 percent for Romney.
* Obama also has a significant, 8-point advantage on handling foreign affairs.
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But Obama is still going to win Ohio. /s
Please, if MICHIGAN is collapsing, then Ohio was sewn up some time ago. Now it’s all about humiliating Obama as much as possible.
El bumpo grande!
On Tuesday the unions and the union voters have a chance to decide whether to put union or Country first. I pray they make the right choice.
Final curtain for Stabenow and the Levin brothers as well.
I find it comical that the Dems are deriding Romney’s foray into democrat strongholds as an act of “desperation,” of course without addressing the fact the darkside sees it necessary to send Biden and Clinton there as well to counter it. If they’re so confident, why bother?
Michigan has a huge Islamic population and freeloader population. Hard to believe it would be at risk for hussein.
I wouldn't go that far, since Stabenow has a huge lead vs. Hoekstra, but if Romney can snag MI, it's a huge "get."
It's just that the polling outfits are forced to dump their fictitious numbers, and report the real numbers, in the week before the election. If the actual election results come out much different from what they predicted, they will lose all shreds of credibility,
No it does not.
and freeloader population
That is true.
If MI goes then it’s electoral landslide. Very skeptical, but intrigued if it’s that close. Certainly winning MI would be a big giant cherry on top of the sundae. A big F.U. to Obama’s GM takeover and Chrysler give-a-way.
A while back I was reading about Michigan’s “Huge muslim population” and the writer pointed out that we have a huge arab population that lives with the perception that they’re muslim. The reality is that most of the middle easterners in Michigan are Chaldean or Copts.
yep... you travel outside of Detroit and with the exception of Ann Arbor ( U of M ) you hit the reddist of all red American counties.. Travel up to any town in Michigan, away from Detroit, and it’s solid Red.
are those lazy corrupt good for nothings in the city of Detroit going to vote? I think not.
but the unions, they only vote for their own paycheck and that is a huge problem. those Unions have Detroit locked up.. Try even driving a foreign car in Detroit. It will get keyed or worse. I know. It’s happened to me twice, in visiting my relatives.
One can hope and pray for a miracle in Michigan, but like California, I fear it may be too late.
Given the amount of over sampling of Demoncrats, how much do they really have left?
Obama’s numbers ARE NOT IN COLLAPSE.
It’s just that the polling outfits are forced to dump their fictitious numbers, and report the real numbers, in the week before the election.
But it is fun telling the Obamatrons that Obama is in collapse. Psy-Ops , you know.
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