When you average the polls, Obama’s lead is 2 points. Comfortable lead? Think not.
It is if you consider that Obama has, according to certain polls, this lead without using fraudulent voting tactics such as busing in “undocumented” voters and people from urban areas to vote multiple times and rig electronic voting machines and what not. Obama could have a 5 % lead or more once those factors are accounted for.
2 points + fraud is a comfortable lead. Remember that MOE for poll averages is much smaller than that for individual polls, so yes, I think this is a comfortable lead. It would mean several tens of thousands of votes...
“When you average the polls, Obamas lead is 2 points. Comfortable lead? Think not.”
When you include crap polls in your average, the average is tainted. Real Clear Politics poll averages includes reputable Rasmussen and Gallup, but also ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN polls with their +4 to +9 over-sampled Dims. Rasmussen and Gallup are the only ones to be trusted with party breakdowns.
Go look at the two outliers that skew this average and then buck up man! This is war... act like it and stop with the demoralization of those who are willing to fight. JESUS asked, “How many years can you add to your life with worry”?