To: 2ndDivisionVet
"What's the explanation for Mitt Romney's unparalleled breakout?"
MSM push polls (either during the poll or its use after its completed) meeting reality as the real poll approaches.
2 posted on
10/30/2012 1:55:08 PM PDT by
To: Paladin2
Mitt is simply more or less normal, while Barack was unable to live up to his hype.
10 posted on
10/30/2012 2:08:00 PM PDT by
HiTech RedNeck
(cat dog, cat dog, alone in the world is a little cat dog)
To: Paladin2
People finally realizing what a dour, sour, petty small-minded man Barack Obama really is and saying “enough already!”
To: Paladin2
MSM push polls (either during the poll or its use after its completed) meeting reality as the real poll approaches.
Exactly. The Obinga Junta was mediadeluded into a turnout exceeding 2008. Sorry. It will be 2010-ish. R+2 to R+4. The lies come back to haunt.
To: Paladin2
Upon further review, I sense Mitt knew he would succeed. His plan was thorough and most importantly he knew he could muster the cash to take down Obie, unlike any of the others. I think that's why he got a bit nasty in the primary, as he was in danger of losing it.
He was committed to replacing this fraud in the WH. He'll turn out to be much, much more conservative than anyone can imagine, now freed from BlueMass. Control of the house and senate would work nicely.
78 posted on
10/30/2012 4:47:49 PM PDT by
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