Unfortunately Albion, this is America, and unless I woke up in Russia today I will have me say in this matter. You have your facts wrong, new york, new jersey and california will always go democrat. The reason is all those little perks the elected officials promise, but fail to deliver. It is like being a heroin addict, one taste does it all. For it is a shame and history has been forgotten by many in those states. Rugged self individualism will get you through most anything in life. We down here in the South are frequently graced with hurricanes far superior than a Cat 1 and or severe storm weather. We all pull ourselves up by our own boot-straps, with the exception of the government womb to tomb 47 %(s). Life is not fair, “Right Jimah????”
As posts 56 and 62 pointed out, that area votes Republican. Leave the broad generalizations about the Jersey shore to those who live or vacation there. The devastation in that town is a tragedy, no matter what kind of American citizens lived there. Have a little respect.