So far we are doing ok, windy and strong gusts, heavy rain at times but I haven’t heard of any power outages as of yet.
I live on Grand Island between Buffalo and Niagara Falls.
I grew up in Kenmore/Tonawanda and still have family there.
Looking at the maps, it looks like you guys are going to get pounded with rain. That storm that came through last week has backed up for a second try and judging by the hurricane tracking maps, Sandy is taking a shot at it.
The track of the eye was initially to go over from Binghamton right up over Syracuse, but now they have having it take a more westward path and it looks to go past Corning and just skirt Rochester to the east, which puts the precipitation shield over your guys when that midwest storm is done. And it is not supposed to be over you until Wed. so we’re in for days of rain and fairly strong winds.
If the ground gets really saturated, that could be bad news for trees as the roots can pull out of muck easier than normally drier soil.