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Read to the end of the above posted article.


On Fox News, Bret Baier's documentary on the Benghazi attack (before, during and after) interviews Mr. Nordstrom about the pull back of his security forces, etc. Some of his remarks are also expressed below.


"...No longer in Libya at the time of the attack, Mr. Nordstrom and Col. Wood later tried to assess the bureaucratic battle they fought to retain more security assets in Benghazi.

“We were fighting a losing battle,” Col. Wood said. “We couldn’t even keep what we had. We were not even allowed to keep what we had.”

"Mr. Nordstrom recalled a phone call with a regional director asking for 12 additional agents.

“His response to that was, ‘You’re asking for the sun, moon and the stars,’” the security officer said. “And my response to him, ‘You know what makes [this] the most frustrating about this assignment? It’s not the hardships. It’s not the gunfire. It’s not the threats. It’s dealing and fighting against the people, programs and personnel who are supposed to be supporting me.’

“And I ended it by saying, ‘For me, the Taliban is on the inside of the building,” Mr. Nordstrom said." - Source

1 posted on 10/29/2012 12:50:16 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

>> On Fox News, Bret Baier’s documentary on the Benghazi attack

Very good report. Must see.

2 posted on 10/29/2012 1:12:34 AM PDT by Gene Eric (Demoralization is a weapon of the enemy. Don't get it, don't spread it!)
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To: All

Video: Pat Caddell lets loose!

3 posted on 10/29/2012 1:12:44 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

No carrier group in the Mediterranean either. It’s starting to look like 0coward and Hillbilly pulled every man, gun and bullet they could and got them as far away from Stevens as possible.

5 posted on 10/29/2012 1:19:58 AM PDT by TigersEye ( - OPSEC (give them support))
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
Last night when Geraldo Revera preempted Hannity’s show he spent the last minutes of his supposedly “Hurricane Sandy” show butt-kissing Obama, insulting those who say the embattled Americans in Benghazi should have received military support and even brought on some Clinton flunky retired 4 Star general who thought he knew everything to say military support was impossible at the time.

But the most disgusting thing that Leftist jerk did was try to get Charles Woods to reverse himself and take back his FACTUAL accusation of Obama being a murderer—the dirty bastard!

Charley didn't take the bait and instead facing the camera said TO THE PRESIDENT that the Benghazi 4 died as heroes and it is better to die a hero than to live as a COWARD!!!

Geraldo, the dirty bastard, kissed Woods on the cheek as the show ended. I have been demanding Fox News fire the disrespectful son of a bitch since!

9 posted on 10/29/2012 1:39:29 AM PDT by Happy Rain (Mitt 4 then Sarah 8)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

Sounds implausible or is US military strength so stretched or eroded that rapid response teams are micro managed from Washington? State department none-the-less?

Are they not rotating secondary and tertiary combat experienced or capable special forces out of the deep mid-east?

Nothing was sitting in Navel Station Rota Spain?

15 posted on 10/29/2012 2:03:51 AM PDT by Usagi_yo
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

I believe this was to be the October surprise, a sting operation. Stevens was going to be kidnapped and Obumbler was going to show his chops by negotiating a solution. That explains why there were no assets to respond and when they were requested the high command was silent. They were letting the scheme play out. The administration has been covering it up ever since.

17 posted on 10/29/2012 2:09:52 AM PDT by rootntootn (Boycott Hawaii, the scene of the crime.)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

This is a must-read post. Excellent description of how Dept State stripped its people and property of protection despite months and months of reports about deteriorating conditions.

Hillary, your goose is cooked.

24 posted on 10/29/2012 2:57:51 AM PDT by gotribe (He's a mack-daddy
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
Geraldo had Charles Woods, father of former Seal Tyrone Woods on live, to which Geraldo was bowing his head down and shaking it in a no gesture as he just had a retired General on to give cover for Obama not being able to send the military in, to which Mr Woods was saying(paraphrased) in the interview "it is better to die the life of a hero, than live the life of a coward"
26 posted on 10/29/2012 3:17:32 AM PDT by Son House (The Economic Boom Heard Around The World => TEA Party 2012)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

From your Bing West thread.....

“the general in charge of the Africa region has allegedly said he received no directive from Washington to dispatch military aid. Members of the mutual protective society of generals are offering the bizarre defense that our Africa Command could do nothing because it has no military assets; it’s some sort of ghost command. Even if that is true, the most powerful nation in the world has sufficient forces and flexibility to send fighter aircraft over a consulate in flames, or to land some troops at the secure airport east of Benghazi. After all, our embassy in Tripoli, 400 miles away, sent an aircraft with six Americans to fight in Benghazi. But our base in Sigonella, 480 miles away, sent no help.”

27 posted on 10/29/2012 4:04:54 AM PDT by nuconvert ( Khomeini promised change too // Hail, Chairman O)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife


30 posted on 10/29/2012 4:49:32 AM PDT by RoosterRedux (Obama: "If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.")
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
Total distraction issue, and utterly irrelevant. The fact is that, with or without specifically dedicated trained extraction teams, 2 Navy SEALs held off the bad guys for 7 hours. Drones, jets, gunships, etc were within an hour's distance. Any or all of those would have extended their lives, and extended the time to get two MORE Navy SEALs (or anyone else with "balls the size of cueballs") into the picture, and at least TRY to protect American lives, and most especially, the two SEAL heroes who were requesting help.

Obama's leadership is not about trying to help American soldiers under attack from al Qaeda,

even while he watches for hours.

This is the lesson of Benghazi. This is what needs to be on flying banners at football games this weekend.

33 posted on 10/29/2012 5:00:29 AM PDT by Teacher317 ('Tis time to fear when tyrants seem to kiss.)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

One does not paint a target comprised of enemy implacemnts and do so with a cumbersome and hard to conceal laser targeting device... unless there are assets directly overhead that are ready to lock in onto the laser and deliver assets on top of those points. This story is just a cover to make the sheeple forget about the targets being painted with targeting lasers. WAKE UP AMERICA!


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To: Cincinatus' Wife; All
FYI: This coverup is bigger then Watergate and Americans Died. From the Tweet Site "Twitchy";

"Bret Baier confirms more Benghazi tips are coming in"

Link to Twitchy
37 posted on 10/29/2012 5:25:25 AM PDT by bobsunshine
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
“And I ended it by saying, ‘For me, the Taliban is on the inside of the building,” Mr. Nordstrom said."

Not only the Tally-ban, but the Moose-limb Bros as well, whom this Islamic Jihadist-appeasing-defending and supporting Admin, consider to be some sort of benign "fraternal" organizations, such is their willful ignorance and stoooopidity.

From the Chief Clueless Moonbat and Dir of Natl Intel, James "CRAPPER!" which speaks volumes:

In February, 2011, when mass demonstrations were bringing down Mubarak's presidency in Egypt, Clapper told a House Intelligence Committee hearing that:

"The term 'Muslim Brotherhood' an umbrella term for a variety of movements, in the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has decried Al Qaeda as a perversion of Islam," ... "They have pursued social ends, a betterment of the political order in Egypt, et cetera.....In other countries, there are also chapters or franchises of the Muslim Brotherhood, but there is no overarching agenda, particularly in pursuit of violence, at least internationally."

Small wonder this corrupt, Regime was unwilling to admit that they had supported elements of AQ in their quest to see the Arab Spring succeed and their narrative that with the elimination of OBL, the AQ worldwide was "on its heals"

PS: WHAT HAPPENED to the Consulate Staff (reported to be between 20-30 personnel) that was rescued and where are they now?

They are ALL witnesses yet no one seems to know anything re: there whereabouts and that not one has been found or questioned?

Are the being held under quarantine, incommunicado, somewhere and not even allowed to have contacted their family or threatened with incarceration should any speak of what happened???

If not, it would be simply amazing that not one has whispered a word of what transpired and that no one they spoke to, would have leaked any of this information.

Something here smells to high heaven....along with everything else associated with this cluster fook!

38 posted on 10/29/2012 5:31:52 AM PDT by neveralib
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To: Cincinatus' Wife; Travis McGee; ASA Vet; BIGLOOK; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Jim Robinson; Jeff Head

Sorry Rowan, your oped stinks and smells like it came from the Outhouse and DNC:

The procedures our SpecOps, Navy, Air Force and Army set up to rescue endangered Embassy personnel have been around for decades.

They get refined and updated as our Spec Ops and their backups obtain better equipment, faster/better humint and elint.

Our military was ready and waiting for their authorization from our Faux POTUS, the traitor in the Outhouse, which never came.

Obozo refused to pull the pin and authorize the rescue. He went to bed to prepare for a hard fund raising trip to Vegas.

Then, he and his evil minions lied and good Americans died.

Below is the link to Travis McGee’s explanation of how this would work unless the POTUS Traitor doesn’t authorize the final actions.

“Now I was only a LT for 5 years active duty in NavSpecWar, but it was imprinted deeply upon my brain that ONLY the POTUS can give cross-border permission. Probably a million living ex-military officers know this like they know 2+2=4. This Benghazi fiasco is Obama’s baby 100% and there is no way for him to wiggle out.

The system is designed to ENSURE that when a crisis is happening, (and a missing ambassador with a consulate under attack is “Crisis Level Infinity”), and military assets are already charging in to the rescue, the president must be in the loop to grant the the cross-border authorization.

Nobody else can do this. This one formality must be followed, “just put your intitials here, Mr. President, for history,” so to speak. Boiler plate, but it must be done.

(Can you imagine Reagan or either Bush saying “No. Cross border permission not granted. Stop the rescue. Stand down.”)

The POTUS has to tell the Sec. State and JCS, “Yes, do it, execute the rescue, cross the borders.” Then it WILL happen, without delay, since the military is already on the way, flying in from all directions toward Benghazi.

But if POTUS says at 5pm DC time, “No military action, no crossing the border,” and then he becomes “unavailable,” then his last standing order stands until he changes it.

So if he went to bed, for example, nobody could change his standing orders.

I imagine that a lot of extreme military, CIA and State Dept. craziness was going down while Obama was sleeping. Aircraft must be told proceed, or return to base, or they fall from the sky. I imagine many HEATED arguments around the globe on phone, text and email, subject, “Well wake the damn president up!” Followed by, “I can’t! You MUST stand down the mission!”

Just imagine dozens of inbound planes, jets and helos. Ships moving at full speed into position to be “lilypads” for long-range over-water helo refueling. Airborne refueling tankers all head to the area. It’s a complicated ballet. The Pentagon is wide awake, the military is on full alert.

The rescue is in process, from the first minutes after the alarm.

Everybody in all the planes and involved HQs knows how many minutes/miles to the Libyan border, Benghazi, and their “bingo fuel” moment, when they must turn around or run dry and crash. Ships can “loiter,” but planes fall from the sky.

So you can imagine why General Ham of Africom was relieved for refusing to stand down. He probably KNEW Obama was “unavailable,” and was screaming over the phone, “Well, wake him up, dammit!!”

Planes and jets and helicopters and ships and commando teams are zooming all around the central Med, keying in on Benghazi——

In that environment, OBAMA WAS ASLEEP AND UNREACHABLE!!!!! Resting up for Las Vegas! With a MISSING AMBASSADOR, in Al-Queadatown!

Anybody not furious is a vegetable.”

Grampa Dave’s closing comments: Anyone not furious about this, is an A$$hole and doesn’t belong on this site.

41 posted on 10/29/2012 7:20:27 AM PDT by Grampa Dave (We are the 53%, who pay taxes and keep this country going inspite of the 47% rat moochers!)
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