I heard she also got booed in France and that the gays are turning on her which is incredible to me being that she was like a God to them (and wouldn’t have one iota of a career if it wasn’t for them as well.). Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of the karaoke frauds, this crap has been going on waaaay too long. Hiring people to write and record music then lip synching to it on stage, freakin’ unreal.
Bottom line is when the year end official highest grossing tours and highest earning celebrities of the year lists by Forbes are out you will once again see Madonna in first place destroying her younger so called competition. She is set to double her worth to nearly 1 billion with the current tour alone. We should all be such an old washed up hag at 54. Culturally irrelevant and pulling in half a billion dollars? I bet there are many young pop stars who wish they could be so “culturally irrelevant.”
Nothing succeeds like success, and nothing else breeds more hostility from the bitter old haters apparently.