Why not just read my post rather than lie about it?
It is a truly rare occurrence when the good deed involved is not a part of his cult membership, in fact very rare for a 65 year old man.
“”Bishop Romney is in the process of being a God according to his religious teachings, he does many works for fellow Mormons, both as their leader, and as works to attain the status of God when he becomes the deity of his own planet as our God is to us.
It was an extremely rare occurrence in Mitts 65 years, in which he did anything for a non-Mormon, whereas most of us do our good deeds with no thought to peoples race or religion, or anything else, other than their need, and our opportunity to help.””
And, as I have posted to you in the past, there is no reference in the story of him saving the family of the sinking boat that he demanded ID or religious affiliation from them first.
If you had any honor or dignity, you would be too ashamed to keep up these antics.