I took my 19 year old son to this rally, it was great. Wondered about the location, had to park at “Cincinnati Gardens” and take shuttle buses to the location - but then the warmup speakers focussed on the small business issues they faced. One speaker explained how she met Mitt and had a good discussion with him - he understands the issues. Then she received an invitation to participate with the President’s council on business issues - GE’s Immelt and others met with these small business people in Dayton - only to urge them to borrow money and hire people. They don’t “get it” - you can’t borrow your way into prosperity. Someone has to be buying your products, and Obama’s economy doesn’t work.
Mitt was a hit. Great rally.
I wish the Romney campaign would come to Chicago. He could get a big crowd. It would stick a finger in The Disaster’s eye and he could raise a lot of dough here. He will get a million votes or more here in Cook County as it is.