Hawaiian ones, New Democrat Chicago ones.
The best account I can find indicates that the document-fixing initiative dates from the 2004 speech, when a faction in the top ranks of the Democratic Party "adopted" Obama and decided they wanted to take him all the way.
I say "faction" because Bill and Hillary certainly had other plans.
But other than home fixits like Grandma Dunham's swiping a dead merchant seaman's Connecticut-issued SSAN for Barky's use (indicating he hadn't "renaturalized" and regularized his citizenship papers, but instead Mom and Grandma, good Communists they, had gone outside the system and done things the old NKVD way) and a couple of other items, it seems the greasing and fixing was done by people close to Tom Daschle and Nancy Pelosi and Vernon Jordan (who first "walked around" with Obama to exiled Clintonistas' dinner parties and social events in 2001-2002).
“...And after talking to him for ten hours, you don’t know him any better than you did after ten minutes.”
In a nutshell!