I am really sorry now I bothered to politely respond to you in the first place, since your agenda here is to accuse anyone who doesn’t worship Sarah as a GOPe Sarah hater.
So all I’ll say is this: see my archives: note the many many many articles on Sarah. I was a must read on C4Palin and other Sarah sites. Some pieces probably written before you ever even heard of her - then realize you have far less cred on Palin than I do, and go away with your paranoia.
TR will take any position that will raise a stink ... it is not what it pretends to be and hasn’t been truthful from day one at FR. To assume it is a true Sarah Palin fan is to accept the initial deception it entered FR with ... when you see so many alinskyesque techniques spewing from one poster like TR, it really isn’t difficult to spot the ‘sleeper’.