So I voted for George McGovern oncit.
That was during my one to two years of being a liberal.
The night of that election I was so excited. Despite all the polls saying it was going to be a rout I had some kind of nutty idea that Mcgovern would win.
As the returns came in I was heartbroken. I think he only won in Massachusetts.
Youth really is wasted on the young.
May Mcgovern rest in peace cause oncit upon a time I liked liberals.
Oncit upon a time I was one.
But if you tell anybody that I’ll have to deny it.
We all evolve. In 1972 I was a young teenage hippy and hated Nixon; wanted McGovern to win.
By 1976 I was a Reaganite, hated Ford because he wasn’t conservative enough, and joined the military. Left my long luxurious wavy hair around a barber’s stool at Lackland AFB that year (It never grew back well at all—couldn’t for 22 years—by then it was falling out on its own!). And I WAS mugged that year AND learned what Afternoon Delight was all about.