Maybe some, but I'm really holding my nose in order to vote for him. He's a liberal jerk, but he's less of a liberal jerk than obama. Oh, and at least he's not a muslim. For a Conservative it's nothing to be proud of. It's like cutting off your leg to stop the spread of cancer and hoping that you've slowed it down enough until a real Conservative can come along to cure the disease of liberalism.
You are correct. True Conservatives should, nevertheless take this only opportunity to get rid of Obama.
My concern is what the Lame Duck Liberal and his lame duck Congressional cohorts will do between November and January.
Obama is vengeful. He will leave Romney a bucketful of spit to sort out.
Romney is a decent human being - even if his record is slippery. I believe his best and worst attribute is that he listens to people and thus is open to both good and bad ideas; he needs to temper that with a heavy dose of Constitutional history and Conservative values (a la Newt).