“It was also mentioned, either here or at the Treehouse, that a communications officer was on the phone from a consulate building, with the embassy AND Washington, during the attack!”
See post 44. I didn’t see you post before I posted, but I meant to add this also.
They had constant communication real time with Benghazi (and photos and video). Immediately, Obama knew that there was no protest in Benghazi, and immediately Obama knew that this was a premeditated, well-planned surgical terrorist strike on the consulate.
Immediately, they ALL knew. Did you listen to Col David Hunt’s interview? I will post it & ping you after it is transcribed. He said once he heard Lamb’s testimony about being in real time communication with Sean (one who was killed), he knew that at least 12 command centers around the world were also listening real time. He said it would have automatic standard operating procedure, and that anyone was has ever been on watch in any of these command centers knows it is SOP.
He emphasized that this is not his opinion, it is SOP, ALWAYS. He said no one needs to make a decision about IF to report or inform, it is automatic.
That is how deep the cover-up goes.
Yes, I heard Col Hunt’s radio interview. Agree completely. Ive never been inside the White House, but have done duty in Sit Rooms at Pentagon, DIA, NGIC, elsewhere. Also at couple embassies in ‘that part’ of world. Gratefully retired now.
He emphasized that this is not his opinion, it is SOP, ALWAYS. He said no one needs to make a decision about IF to report or inform, it is automatic.
That is how deep the cover-up goes.
I don't understand why more people haven't come forward... is the press part of the coverup? If someone goes to the New York Times, does the Times say they're not interested?