I had forgotten that the prophecy of St Malachy gives the next pope the name "Petrus Romanus":
In the persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations after which the seven hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.
The only other major seat of past Christian influence is Alexandria. I don't know if they have much in the way of hills there, but they've been a lesser voice and influence for some time.
Time for a Mexican, Central American, or South American pope? Next time around I mean. The present guy is doing ok. I sort of like his writings. Often there are personal opinion 'asides' that I can relate to. The Marianism stuff, not so much (not at all actually).
But that's ok...it re-assures me I have no reason to fear them (as they desire I should).
False notes of prophecy, mixed in or included with portions of truth, not only give one leeway to ignore portions of a wider set of "messages", but fairly demands that one do so.