Why doesn’t Gillespie, Ryan, Republicans in general, explain that we’ll ‘pay for’ the budget by INCREASED revenues from economic growth from Romney’s plan? I really don’t get it. I heard Romney say it once, but Ryan didn’t in the debate and Gillespie let Wallace go around and around on this. What am I missing?
I mean really, who knows what Ryan could have, would have said in that debate?
It was hard to hear over that bleating jackass Biden.
They need to say not only that but that when taxes have been reduced in the past thaT revenues have gone up, not down due to that economic growth. The democrats say Romney lied and cited bogus studies when they came up with the “$5 trillion” deficit. Biden interrupted Ryan when Ryan was mentioning Jack Kennedy but he was attempting to make the effort.
The basic problem is that Romney and Ryan don’t seem to understand that they must combat these lies with the actual evidence. Don’t talk in generalities. Come right out and say that when the Bush tax cuts took effect in 2003 government revenues went up and that the only way the democrat lies work is that if you assume a static situation where no one changes their behavior. MAKE THE DAMN ARGUMENT WITH THE OBVIOUS FACTS AND MAKE IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Good grief!