You're starting with a false premise. Afirmative Action was never a sole qualifier for admission to a given university. It was always "one of many" determinants, but one that held greater weight than academic achievement, etc.
The problem we have is one of perception. In many states (including Texas from which this challenge emanates) whites are now statiscally minorities. However, the perception remains that whites are the dominant race that still discriminate againt minorities. Despite the fact that there is no data to support the perception, liberals cannot allow whites to benefit from programs that were created to benefit the "minorities".
For these reasons, I believe that CJ "John the Backstabber" Roberts will side with the liberals on the Supreme Court to ensure that Affirmative Action is with us for generations to come. Remember, liberals always live in the past and the past is where all of the preceived injury occurred. Therefore, we must control the present and the future from the past.
“You’re starting with a false premise.”
I’ve been in a state school with minorities that could barely read; it was the ONLY reason they were there. Connecticut had a firemen’s lieutenants exam thrown out because not enough blacks acored high enough - it was plainly worded as such.
It is still the sole qualifier in many areas.