Freepers have long pointed out that affirmative action is a huge violation of “equal protection.”
This is a great case because the “victims” are eating their own; the applicant is a white woman, and ethnic malcontents have long complained that “white women” are as privileged as “white men” and therefore undeserving of the lowered bar (for admissions, jobs, promotions). The fact that college classes were almost 60% female signaled many problems with the current policies (including the fact that disenfranchised white men don’t tend to marry/breed), and now we’ve come full circle in the same way we did with mortgages: when there weren’t enough loans to unqualified ethnic minorities, the federal government forced the banks to basically throw money at them (which they couldn’t repay, and for which they are now claiming they were victimized); in the same manner, unqualified “students” borrowed to attend colleges and either 1) dropped/failed out, or 2) finished and can’t find work anyway. Expect to see the cries of now they were hornswaggled by carpetbaggers into these steep tuition bills.
Nothing was sadder during the 4 years I spent at a state school than the moment of realization when a token realized they had no business in the classroom; they were so far behind, and could only do well if they had been let in strictly on their merits (as the white & Asian males were).