Romney MUST prove where all his donations come from..
No need for Obama to do that after all he is black..
Actually hes not any blacker than he is white..
But he plays a black man in the election Cartoon..
Republicans have no courage to challenge his blackness..
because to a republican they don’t care what color he is playing..
He could play an Asian and get away with it.. he IS an Indonesian citizen..
There is NO PROOF he is no longer an Indonesian citizen..
He could claim it.. but there are more black votes..
so he doesn’t.. Being an Indonesian as President would be a felony..
BUT who would arrest him?.. HOLDER?.. I don’t think so..
America has gone completely MAD.. Insane.. Nuts..
The President has no clothes.. -OR- valid Passport..
As always, the Birthers are the first to ride to BO's rescue trying to conflate a straight forward criminal scandal with their paranoid delusions, and give the public reason to ignore it.