Posted on 10/09/2012 1:19:49 PM PDT by drewh
Kid Rock said Monday he's proud the nation elected its first black president, but is sorry Barack Obama didn't do a better job.
"I also want to be real clear that I am very proud to say that we had elected our first black president," Rock said during an introduction for GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan in Michigan on Monday. "Im sorry Im sorry he didnt do a better job.
"I really wish he would have. I do," continued Rock, one of GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney's highest-profile celebrity endorsers.
"But the facts are the facts and we just saw them come to light in the last debate with no outside BS, no biased media involved, no interruptions and negative-politics ads every five seconds and, most importantly, no damn teleprompters," Rock said.
The Michigan native, nee Robert Ritchie, spoke to a crowd of supporters about coming together as a nation to discuss the importance of politics, without negativity or hate. He noted that he might lose fans for his outspoken conservative politics.
"It is a little difficult to put myself in this position knowing it may alienate a few fans, but you know what, I really believe strongly that its OK to disagree on politics and the direction of our country without hating one another," he said. "I mean, its no secret that I am embedded in an industry that leans very left, and Ive listened to all the arguments and visions for our country. Dont worry, Im not going to give you a recap or stand up here and preach politics like some of my friends in Hollywood."
Before leaving the stage, Kid Rock touted GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney's debate performance and said he is gearing up for Thursday's vice presidential debate.
"Yeah, I enjoyed it so much I think I might throw a keg party for the Ryan-Biden debate," he said.
The Romney-Ryan campaign often uses Kid Rock's Born Free during its rallies. Before starting his stump speech Monday night, Ryan praised the singer as "a fellow hunter, a fellow fan of rock n roll and a great Midwesterner who shares a vision not only with Mitt Romney, but also with myself," according to media reports.
He never said he voted for him in 2008...
Zer0 is a failure.
I think he is expressing precisely what alot of people are thinking.
We can bet he is taking some major heat from the leftists over his support of Romney.
VP Paul Ryan ping
Fantastic endorsement because he comes across as non-political and helps those emotionally attached to their 2008 vote cut the cord. Same tone as Clint with the “When they don’t do the job you just have to let em go”
Oh, please, he wishes Obama had done a better job because of his skin color?
I’m so over this race-based stuff, and the weeping and rending of garments that goes along with the “first black president” meme.....even from some conservatives.
HOORAY Kid Rock! Thanks for taking him to the woodshed. I’ll buy you a beer at the Woodshop if I see you there.
Obama did a great job. He dismantled the constitution as best he could, implemented a variety of anti American, anti Capitalist and anti “the people” bills and initiatives. He catered to the gays, Marxists, fascists and lunatic liberals to the best of his ability. He drove up the debt. He increased the welfare state. Gas, food and utility prices are up drastically. Our military has been defunded and demoralized. He’s apologized to America’s enemies and has ignored American citizens in need after catostrophic calamities such as hurricanes and tornadoes.
Kid Rock is incorrect. He’s done a bang up job.
AFAIK he’s always leaned right.
I think he is expressing precisely what alot of people are thinking.
As well as giving a lot of disaffected people a “mental out” when they decide not to pull the lever for the joker they pulled the lever for four years ago...
he did a bang up job, just not in the direction that was GOOD for the country.
But I do appreciate him coming out and supporting R&R. :)
Don't worry about that, when you do the right thing and stand by your principles you get rewarded by the RIGHT people.
Take notice of Chick Fil A, take notice of all the other stars for whom we patronize. You will now be more popular than ever.
Not going to ever get me to say....sorry he didnt do a better white guilt here. Can you ever imagine a liberal saying....sorry Bush didnt do a better job? NEVER!!! No mercy for libs!
Our country is in a life & death crisis. This election can make a definite difference. We can man up & rescue oursselves or sit by & let the evil ones turn us into something we will be ashamed to have as our legacy.
Our children & our patriotic citizens deserve our support.
“sorry he didn’t do a better job”
Sorry it had to be His job.
If the plan was to elect the first black president, they chose the wrong man. Bad aftertaste. I can think of at least two credible potential black candidates that I’d be proud to see in the White House, and that’s just off the top of my head. And they’re both Republicans.
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