I worry a little Dems will try something unethical; voter fraud, ballot dumping. i worry more that Obama’s lies, and the MSM who stump for him daily will dupe enough morons into voting for a second term.
I pray that there’s enough common sense left in this country to elect some semblance of a conservative, but unless we turn this ship around, Romney will just be a stumbling block on the road to complete socialism.
That is a well know FACT, it is just who they are.
Just this morning Fox reported that Romney is going after Wisconsin for not getting the Military ballots out in time. Don't know what he will do about it, but I suspect he will not give up on this, and possibly use it in his campaign going FORWARD.
He needs to publicly humiliate them for their lack of respect for our troops who are fighting and being killed to give us our right to vote. Shame on them, shame, shame on them.
I think BO wants to lose and go live in Hawaii therefore he won’t have the stomach to go thru a long, contested battle unless the Mooch and Valerie make him. I think he will be glad he lost at some level. After all, he is now set for life, but history won’t be kind to him.