In the eyes of some, until a person’s 18th birthday, he is “innocent” and pure as the driven snow. And if he gets AIDS from engaging in sodomy, it’s because he was forced.
Oh, and apparently there are no laws to punish the over-18 pervert who “raped” him, right? So instead we have to make do with charging the pervert for not warning him about the risk of AIDS from being “raped”.
(And then they say I’M the one who needs help. Go figure.)
No, the fact that the man wasn’t charged with rape signals that the 12-year-old was a willing participant in the sodomy, and judged capable of doing so.
“Innocent”? By no means.
A victim? Certainly. No 12-year-old who decides to engage in sodomy comes up with the idea on his own. He got it from somewhere.
But the minimum age for suffering the consequences of one’s decisions is a lot lower than 12. That’s determined not in a court of law, but in the world governed by the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.
I wish this kid had chosen differently, just as I wish he’d grown up in a world where this depraved behavior need never even be discussed in public.