Just for the general FYI, I did a quick search on wiki, and it looks like Il-10 is a “swing” district that tends to elect moderate (or RINO, if you prefer) Republicans to Congress. That was Mark Kirk’s old House Seat, and it’s now held by Robert Dold, who has an ACU rating of 44.
Here’s the Presidential vote percentages from the last 3 elections (also courtesy of wikipedia)
2000 President Al Gore (D) 51 - 47%
2004 President John Kerry (D) 52 - 47%
2008 President Barack Obama (D) 61 - 38%
Even though I have little doubt that Obama will carry Illinois on election day, I do see some cause for encouragement here. If his numbers are that down in a district like Il-10, chances are they are also down in similar communities in the various swing states. A political barometer reading, if you will.
The Wikipedia article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois’s_10th_congressional_district) looks like it is using the old lines.
According to our enemies at DailyKos, Obama would have won the new 10th 63-36 in 2008.