My take:
The question is can it break out of the Fox News / Drudge / Daily Caller ghetto of right-leaning news and become an MSM story. What we learned in the wake of the Journ-O-List scandal is that the entire left wing commentariat coordinates their coverage of the news.
So, I’m sure the plan is simply to boycott this. Think of all the stories that have been huge in the Right media world but not made it to the MSM. If 1/2 of them had made it Obama would be losing by 10 points.
So I think this will be embargoed. And that means that the disinterested undecideds will not find out about it, ever. Face it they aren’t listening to Rush, checking out Free Republic, reading Drudge or watching Fox News. They might watch NBC or CNN — they read the daily paper perhaps. None of these are going to cover it.
I don’t think there was anything explosive enough to force the issue. So, good try. Great try by Fox! But I don’t think it’s gonna break out, sadly.
Second Question:
Will Karl Rove use any of his $1 billion war chest to run edited portions of this in swing states. A VERY damning add could be made of this, using only the President’s words and perhaps Tucker Carlson’s masterful deconstruction of it on Hannity tonight.
Does anyone have the balls to make and run that add. Rove is supposed to be this evil genius, but is he? Lee Atwater would have run the ads. Gillespie might of in his heyday. Carville would in a New Orleans minute!
ABC has it on their website already. Haven’t check any others.