By the time they think it is safe enough...screw the F.B.I, just call in and archaeologist. I would suggest Leakey if he were still alive.
All of our gov’t looks SO incompetent in this mess!
Is the F.B.I. able to investigate anything anymore? Their forté seems to be finding some crazy stooge to take a play-pretend bomb and then TA-DA! we saved America from a terrorist attack!
The Secret Service lets party crashers into a WH State dinner, leaves a gun on Romney plane, hires prostitutes, pee on grassy knolls during campaign speeches, get the Presidents car stuck on a dip in the road, posting on Facebook about ogling Palin, getting drunk, running over grandma and killing her. GAH!
That's assuming there was ever a real intent to investigate this assassination and not just a means to deflect inquiries by claiming their was an ongoing investigation and the Obamaites couldn't talk about specifics.