America is dead and gone. The final nail in the coffin was the 2008 election of an African communist as President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Hey, America had a great run... remember it fondly for what it was. Theres no point hanging onto the past. The upcoming election is meaningless.
The United States of America is now little more than a land mass populated by cretins, ingrates, and parasites who have absolutely no respect for the military and who vote for big government to confiscate money from their neighbors so that it may be redistributed to them in exchange for their votes. It is not an America worth defending anymore. That America no longer exists.
The parasites outnumber the hosts now, and theres no going back. America is dead.
The Democrats have won.
Nothing lasts forever (shrug) and theres no point crying or whining about it. My recommendation to every decent human left out there is to throw some cold water in your face and proceed to Plan B. Figure out how to grab every government dime you possibly can before the parasites who comprise the Democrat party base gobble it all up. Look for angles. Look for refuge. Hide what you have. Get under the radar and game the system. Every man for himself.
Good luck, everybody.
Stop with the hand wringing and the whoa is me crap. Sure, I agree, do what is best to benefit you, and in the meantime get involved in making this a win in Nombember by kicking the azz of the obozo out of OUR White House.
Your post made me sad because deep down, I know you are right.
Yank, there are other ways out of this morass.