48 D 42R 10I-—sounds like it OVERSAMPLED Dems by 3-4 and under sampled Is.
Yeah, and they under sampled Independents probably by about 20% for Ohio. LoL.
This poll follows what seems to be a new trend in poll-slanting that I’ve noticed recently and mentioned to you a few nights ago.
The Dims and the GOP are both oversampled (though the Dims more egregiously so), and the Indies (who are leaning somewhat to Romney) are WAY undersampled. The point seems to be that they think they can get away with not undersampling Republicans as radically as in other polls, but they can still depress the Romney results by massively undersampling the GOP-leaning Indies. Net result - Romney’s numbers are still artificially deflated.
Over sampled Dems by 12 Oversampled Rep by 5 and understampled I by 17.