or better yet, less government. Raising taxes is probably more dangerous than the military cuts IMHO. We need policies that create real economic growth, not stop gap tax increases that get us to the next debt level increase debate. AFAIC, I’m Taxed Enough Already. Make the spending cuts.
Why bother with taxes anyway? The government can simply print more money.
If we tax to raise more revenue, much of the money will go to welfare and entitlement programs. We are already having the historical battle that takes place during the decline of great powers—guns vs butter and butter wins every time because it has more constituents. The US can’t afford both. We already borrow 42 cents of every federal dollar spent.
Raising taxes is probably more dangerous than the military cuts IMHO. “
Not probably, definitely. It will definitely hurt our economy and will definitely feed Obama’s leviathan government while stopping real reform by cutting spending.
If these RINO clowns cant cut a $700b DOD at a time when our engagements are winding DOWN, then how can we expect them to close a $1 trillion deficit?
“AFAIC, Im Taxed Enough Already. Make the spending cuts.”