Harry we deserve more info on your years as a bag man or whatever the heck you were for the bordellos at the start of your career. Especially if ya stopped inside the Wh%re house for a moment to get out of the sun. But you are probably comfortable with that atomsphere given the body you are in in Washington, Just sayin’...
Every land swap deal in Clark County during the reign of Dirty Harry Reid needs to be opened up for scrutiny & possible indictments.
Reid has had a hand in land deals involving private persons & either county, state or Federal land holdings.
Harry’s guy always comes out on top. Taxpayers always lose.
Latest deal is a Chinese Solar company buying Clark County holdings assessed at worth of $39.6 MILLION which have been sold to the Chinese company for $4.5 million.
Harry’s son, Rory Reid is representing the Chinese company in this transaction.
Don’t tell me this is anywhere near an “arm’s length transaction.”