1) It had nothing to do with the movie.
2) They are what they are.
No....he didn’t....he couldn’t have.....he’s blaming the evangelicals for what happened in Libya?
I always wondered about the scales in people’s eyes that they write about in the Bible. This snake needs to shed his skin.
Islam cannot objectively be defined as a religion so, the entire premise of Brian’s little article is flawed and therefore, invalid.
Brian McLaren is also the “evangelical” who said a few years ago that a “reassessment” of homosexual marriage is in order for a changing society.
I do not fear islam, I despise it. I despise all that it stands for. I despise it’s practitioners and its goals. I despise its false prophet, and the culture of death that he and his followers have spawned.
Honestly, once I saw the author was Brian McLaren, I needed to read no further.
So, let me see if I understand this correctly - it is not rational to have fear and concerns about a population that will attack and kill you over a puerile and adolescent film? It is instead the fault of others who have nothing to do with the film, or Islam, or well, anything at all about this.
Elephant in the room: They are either rioting and killing people over a adolescent film, or they are just rioting and killing people because that's what they do. Either way, it is not only rational to fear people like that, but prudent to make sure their insanity doesn't spread any further.
Now, let's all hug it out and get some art funding for an image insulting to Christians? Liberals - not even CLOSE to the same page.
McLaren is apparently hoping by feeding the mohammedan crocodile, he’ll be eaten last.
Get lost, dhimmi. You’re serving no purpose except that of the satanic enemy.
Well, he got this part right...
If only she had been around to preach this divine wisdom of “tolerance” to the Armenians, during the days of the Ottoman Empire.
A 'phobia' is an IRrational fear of something. Considering what happened on 9/11, 'fear' of Islam is perfectly rational.
By repeated acts of atrocity committed in its name, 9/11 being just one example, Islam has proven to be more of a murderous death cult than a legitimate religion.
9/11 happened.
No ... we must own up to the reality of islamic mass-murder, rapine, and torture. We must own up to the reality of islamic dishonety, dissembling, and disinformation.
We must recognize that "islam" means "destroy everybody else".
My bad. Brian is a guy, but he just sounds like a whiny little girl.
I think it's time to cut our losses. Time to realize what the truth is regarding Islam and its followers. High time to leave them to their so called religion or their death-cult or whatever you want to call it. And it's time to get us and our money the hell out of angry Islamic countries.
Their culture is incompatible with western democracies, freedoms, lifestyles, etc. So leave them alone. We are told that there are millions of peaceful, moderate, loving Muslims. Yet the videos show the entire middle east on fire with Islamic hatred and the calming moderates are nowhere to be found? Where are the peace lovers that will stand against their own demonic lunatics?
America needs to realize that Islam has designs on our nation and they are plotting to kill us and destroy every vestige of the lifestyle we enjoy as free people. Arguing that Islam is a constitutionally protected religion is like arguing Naziism is a constitutionally protected religion. They are founded on the same set of fatal values. ..Ann Barnhardt
These people hate Israel! We are a Judeo-Christian society so they hate us. That will not change regardless of how much money we pay them or how many times our pseudo muslim president kisses their collective asses.
In other words - Ignore the tenets of their “faith”, ignore their ancient history, ignore their recent history, and ignore their declarations of intent. OK, Got It!
The author is delusional.
Can’t they find the undoctored original and release that, or have the actors interviewed and translated into Arabic and release that the same places the doctored edit was sent?