I watched Michelle Bachman last night...she voted against it.
It also doesn’t say this helps at all with sequestration... we are so screwed. We need adults back in charge.
Boehner rammed though that bill after a closed door agreement with Dems and McConnell and then bragged about his twisting House R arms to get the vote.
Ryan really looks bad because he not only voted for it but he praised it on camera recordings, and now he is trying to say he opposed it in interviews. Then he says it does what he didnt intend it to do, those defense cuts(??). He looks as dishonest as Obama or Romney does when he talks about this.
gilbo said it best, he said “So the budget boy wonder thought that the others would cut their gravy trains to protect his?”
So ridiculus.
There are no adults in DC
Before I forget, I still love Michelle Bachman, thanks for the update on her. I liked her in the primary too even if she didnt have a chance.