“Snopes concludes that “the most likely explanation” is a “simple clerical or typographical error.” Obama, they contend, lived in the Hawaii zip code of 96814, while the zip code for Danbury, CT is 06814.”
I recently looked up some relatives in the newly released 1940 Census records. Ancestry.com has digitized these to make them more easily searchable. I found several instances (among only a half dozen people checked) of errors in transcribing the handwritten entries, e.g., “Merrill” became “M. Enile” “Sara” became “Cora” etc.
Kapiolani Blvd. does run through Zip code 96814. Mis-reading a “9” as a “0” doesn’t seem like all that much of a stretch to me. Given such a readily available explanation, the principle of Occam’s razor suggests this may well be the solution to this puzzle.
BHO has a Hawaiian birth certificate:
1) His birth date never would have been published in 2 different papers unless his name appeared on a list of newborns circulated by the vital statistics office to the media. [This doesn’t rule out his having been born elsewhere and having applied for an out-of-hospital BC: my point is, he had a BC].
2) He alludes to his BC in his book etc.
3) The apparently doctored image on the WH Website may have had certain fields altered, etc. but in light of the contemporaneous newspaper announcements, it seems pretty implausible that the entire document was fabricated wholesale.
Therefore, there was no need to purchase a fraudulent SSN.
If this is true then you wouldn’t have another man with the same SSN.
Let’s use Occam’s razor to cut through some of the lather and bubbles.
Forget the digitized crap the WH is peddling.
Show us your sealed personal copy of your birth certificate Mr. Obama. The one you were required to used for:
Passport and visa applications for your first world tour to Pakistan and Indonesia, copies of which reside with the State Department. Or... Maybe in the old DOJ Dept of Immigration and Naturalization archives
Application to Occidental, Columbia College, and Harvard.
Your first driver’s license.
You know, the original BC copy which every citizen has in their possession upon attaining age 18.
Oh, and while you’re digging Mr. Obama, as heir to your late mother, why don’t you pull out her documents. Specifically, her passport with her Indonesian visa and re-entry to the USA when she abandonded you to the care of her mother and father. Hmm, seems as though you also inherited their records. What a wealth of paperwork you have there sir!
It’s that simple.