How do you know he wasn’t homosexual? He was never married and had no children. He looked kind of delicate. I’m wondering if that is why he was sodomized, as a statement on his homosexuality, or his perceived homosexuality?
Gadaffi was sodomized as well.
I only had one source on this, and it was late last night so I don’t have it handy (it was from a Tweet from someone in Egypt), so take it with a grain of salt.
There were two men involved in the ‘ceremony’ part of the assassination who former ‘employees’ of the Embassy and Ambassador Stevens. Taking it out on their ‘boss’ maybe?
The rumor (and I assume it’s just that) is that they ‘claimed’ it was because he was homosexual (which makes committing a homosexual act on him rather contradictory, but over ‘there’, homosexual acts are acceptable under various circumstances).
At any rate, all these things are just false flags to cover for the original intent. Assassinate him. He was in the the CHICAGO, I mean MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, I mean DEMOCRATS... way.
See... the ruling elite like the idea (worldwide) of one PARTY (DEMOCRATS) who will elect a Narcissistic Power mad Socialist/Communist Dictator to power and remain loyal to that RULER.
Arab SPRING (which actually has nothing to do with Arabs). Just wait until the FALL. It’s coming folks, over there, and here.