I can tell you if you liked him at Fox and CNN, you are going to love him on his own. Unbridled, the content is far better and informative. I have essentially given up on all but Greta on Fox. BOR lost me permanently when he made that statement to Beck during the Van Jones kerfuffle that we had nothing to fear from communists anymore. Hannity lost me in the lst few months when his show became nothing more than a shouting match and Juan Williams has become so irritating that I refuse to listen.
Beck was always bridled and he talks openly about it now. Just yesterday he talked about being censored when it came to showing any video of the WTC attacks, even on 911.
His show starts at 5:00 and is followed at 6 by Real News and starting just this week Wilcow has a new show at 7. The honest discussion of ideas on all three shows is far more informative than the entire day of Fox, especially the commentary shows. I predict this satellite and cable access will go out the roof quickly. I mean he now has more subscribers for his internet network than CNN has viewers for their prime time. He pulls no punches for either party so the GOPe is going to absolutely hate this move.
given up on all but Greta on Fox...She should be in charge of waste & fraud in DC. She’d clean it up fast.