Dukakis jokes...
Q: What does “Dukakis” mean in Greek?
A: Mondale
If Dukakis gets elected, then his home state will be renamed to Machusetts. The “ass” will be in Washington.
Those were great! Bumper stickers showed a man laughing his butt off with the caption: DUKAKIS for WHAT?!?!? (as in,
“You want it WHEN?”). Also “Dump The Duke”. A caller to the Jerry Williams show on WRKO Boston sang “Unelectable...” to the tune of “Unforgettable...”*
A joke from, of all people, Barney Frank:
“They want to depress the Central Artery? They should just have Mike Dukakis talk to it.” (Frank also quipped: “Depressing the Central Artery? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to raise the city?”)
*—also Howie Carr gave him the nickname Pee Wee as in Pee Wee Herman...piece that used to run on Jerry Wiliams show:
PEE WEE HERMAN: What’s the secret word for today?
DUKAKIS: Taxes...
(Sound effect: Woman screaming)
PEE WEE HERMAN: So when you hear the secret word...SCREAM REAL LOUD!
I thought Dukakis was Greek for Romney?