You are not a social conservative or any conversative at all. You are an obamabot and a troll.
If you think your cause is advanced by handing Obama 4 more years on the path we are heading you are truly as bad, if not worse, than any of those in the freak show we witnessed in Charlotte w tears streaming down their faces.
Just be honest about it. Your little shell game claiming some pious position is a joke and you deserve to b e ridiculed and mocked for it.
There is nothing dignified or respectable whatsoever with your position in giving obama 4 more years on a platter because your 100/100 magive conservative unicorn from the sky is not the nominee.
“you deserve to be ridiculed and mocked for it.
There is nothing dignified or respectable whatsoever with your position in giving obama 4 more years on a platter because your 100/100 magive conservative unicorn from the sky is not the nominee.”
Given that Paul Ryan is a conservative Catholic who supports traditional marriage and unborn children, are you saying that Romney recruited a ‘magic conservative unicorn from the sky?’