The difference is that just about everybody signed on to the Peace of Westphalia ~ even the Pope, serious Protestant leaders, kings, princes and folks who imagined themselves to be very important.
There were some standards set that would be good to adapt to ~ that (1) nations don't go to war over the religious beliefs of their neighbors, (2) nations are in charge of their own conduct regarding matters of religion
Implicit in those two points is the idea that OTHERS can criticize whatever your religion believes, and folks can propound on their religious beliefs without concern for the religious sensibilities of others.
What I"m leading up to is the fact that Eastern Orthodox, Moslem and Mormon groups didn't sign on to the Treaties that made up the Peace of Westphalia ~ which might well be part of the source of your discomfort.
You might look it up and study it someday. It replaced simple toleration with a different belief ~ (1) you can believe whatever you can get away with, and (2) others can criticize it and you got to stand there and take it.
When the Bill of Rights came along the principle was extended a bit to include speech, press, peaceable assembly, petition, and several other things.
No one gets a special exception carved out ~ as a citizen I can complain and kvetch about anybody's religion and there's nothing they can do about it, NOR should they expect anything to be done, or sympathy extended.
You will need to catch up and that might as well be now as some other time.
BTW, I find the Catholic discussions interesting ~ they extend my understanding of a part of that religious tradition not often seen outside of church. So, thanks Catholics ~ good job. Never mind me eh!
And when did the Founding fathers sign onto the vaunted and silly peace of westphalia? Is the USA signatory to that treaty? No, thats because it has nothing to do with America. And no, i doubt that a religion dreamed up in America from around 1830 would have sought to join an arcane Euro monarchist-roman catholic treaty from 1648, that (irony alert) ended wars in Europe.
And maybe you should try to keep up. I have no problem with Catholic threads being posted in the main forum and not being restricted to being a Catholic echo chamber. But i see no reason not to do the same with mormons. What could be better than discussing them where everyone can chime in pro or con? I was mentioning that Catholic threads are in the main forum as a way to illustrate that not everything that is basically a dogma discussion gets kicked into the religious forum.
But im tickled that apparently, you think its ok to banish a discussion of mormons to the religious forum, and leave catholic ones in the main area,,,because of the treaty ending the 30 years war. Thats rich.
“You might look it up and study it someday. It (peace of westphalia) replaced simple toleration with a different belief”
Fascinating. Please tell me about the widespread mainstream concept of simple religious “tolerance” in Europe, circa 1640.
No Eastern Orthodox or Muslim countries or groups signed the Peace of Westphalia because none participated in the Thirty Years War. And no Mormons signed the treaty because Mormonism started about 180 years later.