False. You brought up those trying to raise an Army to fight of King George the 3rd, not I. Trying to equate this petty vandalism to those that risked imprisonment and even death as a traitor demeans the very actions of those brave men.
Address the issue at hand.
The issue is petty vandalism and respect for other peoples property. I respect the property of others. Those placing the stickers do not.
How very mannerly of you.
You’d have made a great Redcoat.
So get me banned.
I don’t care.
I’d rather get ZOTted for guts than stay on here simpering about “proper etiquette” in the face of impending tyranny.
Just as a purely philosophical debate, you do realize that our founders not only defaced the property of others (Tea Party much?), they lined up sight pictures on fellow human beings and pulled the trigger, for something they believed in? In retrospect, they were right to do so.
Freedom isn’t free, and part of the reason it is disappearing is that today we refuse to acknowledge an easily observed fact. Liberals are our enemy. Every bit as much as if they were Al Qaida, maybe more. Those third world meatsticks couldn’t even make a dent in American Greatness, but the modern Liberal is going to literally plunge us into a major economic collapse, probably within two decades, due directly to the stupidity of crap like mortgages for people who can’t pay it back, and affirmative action in credit scores. They hate us and screw us at every opportunity, while hiding behind government (and claims to be fellow citizens) like cowards.
Liberals seek to destroy freedom, and enslave the successful under the yoke of the welfarites. Someday, I can almost guarantee some of your descendents will suffer due directly to the actions of Liberals today. They may even die from lack of medical care in a “Post-Greatest Depression” world.
You should give thought to the idea we are still warring for our freedom, the Liberal is our nation’s sworn enemy, and you might have to pick a side in the not-too-distant future, or see our nation collaspe like Rome.
Pretend a Liberal is your equal, and they aren’t your enemy, and you are playing right into their hands as they laugh at you, and destroy your nation - while lauding you for your “high moral standards.”
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