The question I ask myself when reading these polls that show Obama ahead is - what has changed since 2010? If the economy hasn’t gotten any better since 2010, why would anyone believe that the election results in 2012 will be different from what they were in 2010?
The only people who voted in 2010 a non Presidential election
were the people P O d about Obamacare and the stimulus.
i.e. The Tea Party.
It was easy to throw the bums out.
Now, we have American idol and mushy people voting. Because they
vote in Presidential elections.
That’s Obama’s strategy. The inertia effect.
But Romney better start his BLITZKRIEG NOW.
Because there was no cool black guy on the ticket in 2010. It makes a world of a difference.
“If the economy hasnt gotten any better since 2010, why would anyone believe that the election results in 2012 will be different from what they were in 2010?”
Simple, we elected a GOP house in ‘10 and we still have problems so that proves it was all really Bush’s fault. See how easy that was?