Every night the key note speaker is the best speaker and speech ever according to the media.
Meanwhile, what about OBAMA’S RECORD!?????
WOO HOOO RNC!! ROMNEY CAMPAIGN!! Take off the gloves, please.
You think Americans want to hear “its the other guys fault” and “let me start what I finished because I’m not done yet” when what Obama is doing is heading down the wrong direction.
Finish what? The entire country off!!
It's always someone else's fault (after all, they can't blame God any more if they threw him out).
If you are wrong, shout it louder, say it more often, double down (again). (That sort of bluster gets the sheep moving wherever you want them.)
After all, the Liberal press isn't stupid, they're diabolical. They expect to be well rewarded for their efforts and have sold their souls to get where they are.