“Third option, I’ll walk on my own two feet and when the time comes die with a rifle in my arms.”
Spare us your childish dreams of some gotterdammerung between you and 0bama’s minions. Your not going to die holding a rifle, you’ll probably pass away in some decrepit 0bamacare hospital dying in your own filth b/c a death panel ruled you were a lost cause. But, hey, at least you can say that you made a difference by voting for goode.
I guess you missed the part where I said I wasn't voting for Goode?
That was a damn goode post. The tuff guys are nothing more than pantywaist whiners who will blame everyone else for what Obama did to them when the fault will be their own.
LOL! I'm stealing this. The FR "Wolverine" faction of keyboard commandos need a taste of reality once in a while.
Your line about a number of our hard core type dying in an Obamacare hospital rather than with a gun in their hand was pure gold. Loved it.
We’ve got one chance to get this right. November 2012. Obama has to go.
Will the Romneycare death panels be any kinder? Or will they send in the accountants to calculate the value level at which the sick shall be allowed die. Obozocare is simply national Romneycare. IF there is some difference between Obozo and Mittler, it is certainly NOT on “healthcare.” Try again, this time with some honesty and integrity please.
Ouch! That has to leave a mark. It hits home though. All the 'principled' voting in the world will coutn for bupkis if Obama gets in and embeds socialized medicine like a tapeworm in our body politic. Once in, it will take the death of the host to kill the parasite off. it will never happen. Obama's second term means his project will be completed and we end up a Euro-socialist state.