You're gonna love Obama's judicial picks, from the High Court on down, especially when they overturn every pro-life initiative that crosses their bench.
Oh well, at least your conscience will be clean.
Let's take a little trip down RINO Judiciary Lane. Do you remember:
GOP SCOTUS horrors: Earl Warren and Demonrat William Brennan and Potter Stewart (Dwight Eisenhower appointees) the last two voting to establish the abortion holocaust in Roe vs. Wade; Warren Burger, Lewis Powell, Herod Blackmun (appointees of Nixon) all three of whom voted to establish the abortion holocaust in Roe vs. Wade; Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony Kennedy (later Sandra Day O'Kennedy) each apparently pro-life and Kennedy actually so but sold out the babies thereafter; David "Swish" Souter (BGush I appointee via Sununu I) and a thoroughgoing social revolutionary.
Give us three proofs that Mittler is likely to appoint ANYONE better than these. Spare us the quadrennial GOP-E hysteria over judgeships. If even Reagan could be suckered by Jim Baker into appointing what Baker knew was the pretty blonde Unitarian pro-abort, that's a mighty big mountain for you to climb.
Voting against BOTH of the major party eagerly pro-abort monstrosities, my conscience will be verrrry clean. Also GOP Senators will not resist Romney's appointments who will be "ours" as they would resist Obozo's. Demonrats will be delighted by either candidate's nominees.