Hey Newbie.....go back to DU. Obama is RUINING this country.
Liberalism is ruining this country. I guess your solution is to insult and try to belittle conservatives. He said he is SEVERELY Conservative so it must be true. So now ObamaCare is bad but RomneyCare is good, abortion is good, { I will NEVER infringe on a woman’s right to choose}. Gay marriage, same sex adoptions, cap & trade, trying to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortions, are now all OK. Severe Conservatism = Liberalism
......go back to DU. Is that where you learned to try and insult and ridicule any conservative? What is it about the truth that bothers you so much. I can understand the people who feel they have to hold their nose and vote for Romney. I don’t understand people like you who also have to close their eyes and plug their ears. Liberalism is RUINING this country. Obama is liberal. Romney is Liberal.