Monday, August 27, 2012 10:36:00 AM · 122 of 156
hitchwolf to CaptainK
Well this is terrible but not surprising to me.
Ive taken a lot of heat here for this, but I am sticking to my opinion that I think Obama is going to win. There are many people who like sitting on their fat behinds all day collecting government checks.
I hate thinking it but I do. Obama is going to win.
There you go, folks. A Moby in full flower.
I guess hitchwolf doesn’t like the fact that Eastwood was brilliant and effective. My conclusion is that hitchwolf is either dense or a troll.
I hope enough are fed up enough to help get out the opposition vote - calling, helping get folks to the polls, etc.
We may not survive another round of him and his minions - not to mention his wife who thinks (erroneously) that she's another Jackie Kennedy!