So after squealing every day about Rino Romney you now want to claim Palin is "brilliant" for advocating Romney do what you have been whining about him for months about.
Are you two really this politically ignorant? You the same sort of dogmatic purists who whined hysterically in 1986 about Ronald Reagan "betraying the Conservative movement".
No one in life is EVER going to be politically perfect enough for you perpetual whiners.
Spending all your time having hissy fits because no one is politically pure enough to fit your emotion based opinions is the behavior of pathetic spoiled children, not rational adults
Are you able to read?
I said Palin/Rubio is brilliant. Good grief.
Let’s see, I knew you by internet when Reagan ran for president? What a moronic conclusion on your part.
Of course no one will be politically perfect, but good lord man at least they should be mostly conservative, Romney doesn’t have a conservative bone in his body.
You want to support him, go ahead, just be aware of who he is, and its not conservative.
Oh, yea stay on topic. What you are doing is soooooo typical of people who have no point to deviate from the topic, but hey why am I not surprise.
“No one in life is EVER going to be politically perfect enough for you perpetual whiners.”
Sure I would. I’d take a politically imperfect but honest candidate, maybe like Newt Gingrich who favored a brand of amnesty, over a progressive statist and professional proven liar like Mitt Romney.
Is there no principle that is sancrosanct enough for you perpetual compromisers to champion it?
Spending all your time licking the boots of some political candidate because they have an R after their name is the behavior of a quisling, not a patriot.
Enjoying the taste of your own medicine?