Tell me something, and please answer, you are a Romney supporter and vetted him carefully, did you know “throughout this campaign”, that Mitt was a “health of the mother” abortion supporter?
Did any or all of you Romney supporters reading this know that, or is this a bombshell that just dropped on you?
Here is the link to the video.
(CBS News) In an interview with CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley, Mitt Romney said his views on abortion rights are more lenient than those put forward in the Republican party platform.
“My position has been clear throughout this campaign,” Romney said. “I’m in favor of abortion being legal in the case of rape and incest, and the health and life of the mother.”
I'm not a Romeny-bott or supporter and didn't "vet" him as you "purists" here have, but I HAVE "vetted" the one all you hate and it appears, would not be bothered if reelected...even if it means the end of our Republic as we have known it for 200+ years.
Ok, your turn: which is worse: taking a position on abortion which includes a "health/life of the mother exception," or one which SUPPORTS KILLING BREATHING, LIVING, HUMAN, BEINGS, which said babies have survived botched abortions: "Infanticide?"
For every issue you and your kind can muster against Mitt and reason to stay home or vote 3rd Party, I/we can come up with dozens of examples showing Dear Reader's position on same as much worse.
Go ahead, take your best shot(s)!!!