You hit it dead center. The explosion of angry voices was over the single word “LEGITIMATE”. Now, what would have happened if he has (more prudently) used the expression “FELONY rape”?
What would have been the outcry then?
Conservatives and the GOP, if they are serious about saving America from the Communists and socialists and leftist Luddites, MUST take over an EQUAL number of newsmedia organs from the left. Just FOX isn't enough, and even FOX, though excoriated by the left, DOES provide equal and balanced coverage. THAT is NOT what we need. We need newsmedia which just as biased towards OUR positions as CNN, ABC, CBS, TNT, etc are towards the left.
SECOND, we have to start a grassroots movement to TAKE BACK our schools and colleges from the leftists who have seized control of them. Not only do they brainwash future generations of Americans into believing leftist garbage, they are so busy teaching left wing propaganda and politically correct drivel that Americans have fallen FAR behind OTHER nations in the sciences and many other disciplines.
Kids today can tell you who the first black scientist is, but haven't a clue about relativity.
They can tell you about Martin Luther King and Selma but don't know the name of their own governor or who we fought our Revolution against or even why.
We need to start DEMANDING copies of texts and information about curricula at every level of education, we need to SCRUTINIZE, CRITICIZE and REJECT unacceptable material that the schools and colleges use, we need to take over Boards of Education and school systems from the "professional" educators and demand more input from US and from leaders in private industry who KNOW what the needs of the business world in America are, and DEMAND that these needs be addressed in formulating curricula while REJCTING junk knowledge about pointless politically correct crap.
These two points are CRITICAL to saving America and our way of life.
More conservatives need to read Machiavelli.