Quite apart from the illnesses with which Ann has had to contend, the Romneys were not always wealthy. Mitt gave away his inheritance. He really is a self-made man. Liberals look at a man like Mitt or a woman like Ann and presume they have always had it easy, a presumption that is frequently untrue. Although Mrs. p. henry and I are nowhere near the Romneys in terms of wealth, fools like Juan might look at Mrs. p. and call her a corporate wife. When I met her, Mrs. p was a single mom of three working her fanny off. She still works very hard notwithstanding health issues. I have been part of the workforce for 45 years. In my early days, some of those jobs were menial and not very pleasant. Liberals don’t see that. All they see is the present condition of someone like Mitt Romney. They don’t see the hard path that got him there.
Amen to your comment! People willingly don’t see the end result of hard work and that hard work and faith are vital components of the American dream.
My husband and I have also been blessed in all areas of life. These blessings didn’t come without hard work, faith, pain, loss, sacrifice and dedication, but all people choose to see is the end result. Their green eyed monster always comes charging to the surface.
When the monster appears, I always tell them, may God bless you with the path He gave us, may you recognize and embrace the path and best of luck on that path!
“Liberals dont see that. All they see is the present condition of someone like Mitt Romney. They dont see the hard path that got him there.”
I agree. That begs the question, why? My theory is that they don’t consider the decades of work it takes to become “lucky” because their nature, and their goal, is to mooch from others. When you have never had to work hard for success, then it is easy to forget that success takes hard work.