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To: Clint N. Suhks
Everyone is reporting they were just Ron Paul supporters and they were not!

Its an Alinsky tactic of denigrating your opposition by attaching them to someone perceived as bad. I'm no fan of Ron Paul but I stand with those people who are there today and I say that this has seriously damaged Romney's chances in November and it won't matter one bit who they blame.

Interestingly enough it looks like Mitt is just finishing what his daddy started before stomping offstage like a little girl in 64.

(1964) GOP Warned to beware extremists. May destroy republicans; Romney

He called conservatives, "Birchers, racists, etc" before throwing his tantrum. Then he and the other "moderates" actively worked to defeat Goldwater. Once they succeed, they've spent the next 50 years pointing to Goldwater's defeat as proof that we have to be more moderate.

These clowns have a truckload of bad ju ju headed their way
16 posted on 08/28/2012 5:05:54 PM PDT by cripplecreek (What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
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To: cripplecreek

Just when I was thinking I might vote for Romney, they pull this and lump “tea party” in with “Paultards”. I still like Ryan but I’m sure he was selected to the “warm bucket of spit” job to get some credibility with conservatives. Won’t work. A third party may be the only way - I can’t believe I just said that but I’m very angry.

20 posted on 08/28/2012 5:14:04 PM PDT by JimSEA
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To: cripplecreek

“Its an Alinsky tactic of denigrating your opposition by attaching them to someone perceived as bad. I’m no fan of Ron Paul but I stand with those people who are there today and I say that this has seriously damaged Romney’s chances in November and it won’t matter one bit who they blame. Interestingly enough it looks like Mitt is just finishing what his daddy started before stomping offstage like a little girl in 64. (1964) GOP Warned to beware extremists. May destroy republicans; Romney He called conservatives, “Birchers, racists, etc” before throwing his tantrum. Then he and the other “moderates” actively worked to defeat Goldwater. Once they succeed, they’ve spent the next 50 years pointing to Goldwater’s defeat as proof that we have to be more moderate. These clowns have a truckload of bad ju ju headed their way”

Perceptive analysis and excellent post, cripplecreek.

26 posted on 08/28/2012 5:28:42 PM PDT by SharpRightTurn ( White, black, and red all over--America's affirmative action, metrosexual president.)
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To: cripplecreek
Crip... My head is just about to explode tonight. Isaac is raging outside and my brain hurts... my heart is heavy. I have no party and my republic is dying.


32 posted on 08/28/2012 5:55:29 PM PDT by LibLieSlayer (If romney is our only chance... we have less of a chance than a Massachusetts fetus.)
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