They hate conservatives.
Romney gets to distance himself from conservatism in the eyes of the electorate,
run to the LEFT for liberal votes.
Isn’t that obvious?
It sure as hell is obvious to me. That is why they want Akin out of the Missouri race as he is too conservative for the like of Mittens and Rove.
I will NEVER vote for Romney or any other establishment republican. They will not ever be kind to conservatives. They will smile only until they get votes and then stab us all in the back. They will not move this country to the right it will continue on the fast track to fascism and tyranny.
You will find that Romney will not undo any of the damage that has been done. He will most likely make it worse while telling us to stop rocking the boat. Hopefully he will prove me wrong but I doubt it.
No. It’s an over-reaction to Ron Paul.
Doesn’t make it right, as it does hurt conservatives in the process. But, this will all work out. They don’t want a floor fight at the national televised convention, or at least they shouldn’t.
He’s already distanced himself from the platform conservativs are so proud of.
Golly, it looks like Mittens is just what those of us who actually know something about him have been saying he is - a candidate to the left of Ted Kennedy on social issues and a tool of the country club GOPe.
Folks here can vote for him if they like and continue delivering power to the handful of sociopaths who constitute the GOPe, but I won’t. The economy is going to collapse no matter who wins. It might as well collapse on Obamalini. The “civil war” needs to happen sooner rather than later.